
Victory of the group and the Shandong Shengli Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. 2014 annual summary of the succes

Time: 2015-01-30 Author: admin Hits:

On 26 January morning, Sheng pipe group and Shandong Shengli Steel Pipe Co., Ltd., 14 annual summary commendation congress was held in a group meeting room. Group senior management, the company's management representatives, representatives of the advanced representatives of the units and staff attended the meeting.

Wang Kunxian, deputy general manager of the meeting chaired by the group. On the meeting, group general manager, deputy general manager, Shandong Shengli Steel Pipe Co. Ltd. Wang Xuxuan read "about the year 2014 in recognition of advanced collective, excellent team, excellent management, excellent staff", on the 4 advanced collectives and 14 outstanding team, 7 outstanding managers, 52 employees were commended; group deputy general Manager Geng Qingyun read about "awarded the Bao Haiqing &ldquo model, ” love; love star Luoxiao “ ” the honorary title of" decision; Shandong Shengli Steel Pipe Co. Ltd. party secretary Yan Dequan read "about the year 2014 in recognition of advanced grass-roots Party branch and outstanding communist party member's decision" and "on the recognition 2014 advanced grass-roots trade unions and trade union activists" decision, advanced to 1 Party branch, 10 outstanding member of the Communist Party, 2 advanced grass-roots trade union organizations, 26 Trade union activists were commended.

Group Chairman, general manager, Shandong Shengli chairman Zhang Bizhuang representative group to the general assembly made working report entitled "ningxinjuli, seize new opportunities, meet new challenges, efforts to create a new situation in the work of the group". Report is a review of the main group in 2014, 2014 in the system construction, production and management, quality management, research and development of science and technology, human resource management, enterprise culture construction of management achievements are summarized, and pointed out the need to improve the improve the weak links, points out deficiencies in sales work, internal management and security. Report, Zhang Zongming did the production and business objectives in 2015. To achieve the goal, to 2015 were deploy and arrangement: one is the leader in sales, to comprehensively strengthen the sales work; the second is to adhere to the scientific and technological progress, strengthen the management system, to ensure the quality of products; the third is to survive the crisis consciousness, continued to fall this synergism; the fourth is to strengthen internal management, improve the overall execution; the fifth is to strengthen safety management, to ensure safety in production; the sixth is to strengthen staff recruitment and training, to meet production needs. Finally, Zhang also mentioned the need to actively explore the road to industrial transformation and upgrading, to adapt to the group's development, continue to promote corporate culture construction.

Finally, group deputy general manager Wang Kunxian put forward three requirements: 1, all units to earnestly organize the study report, to convey the spirit of the conference, to implement the measures; 2, in convey and implement, pay attention to guide staff to correctly understand the situation and tasks facing us, to enterprise development and the stable situation is heavy, with the correct ideological and public opinion guide the staff to health activities to cultivate the staff, with advanced typical inspired the staff, enhance the sense of crisis and sense of responsibility, strengthen the team spirit; 3, all units and departments to further rationalize the idea of their own work, to further improve the work measures. To plan the work of 2015, to ensure the smooth implementation of the 2015 production and management indicators.

Shandong Shengli Steel Pipe Co., Ltd
Shengli Steel Pipe (Dezhou) Co., Ltd.
Xingjiang Shengli Steel Pipe Co., Ltd.
Hunan Shengli Xianggang Steel Pipe Co., Ltd.
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